Tag: cutout

Whole Shop Bundle Graphics - Image 1

Whole Shop Bundle Graphics

Studio 2am presents our 2020 Whole Shop Bundle featuring 16 of our top products of 2020 for 50% off! This

Blurred Cutout Masks Kit Graphics - Image 2

Blurred Cutout Masks Kit Graphics

There are tons of purposes you can use blurred masks for. They are a great choice for giving mysterious vibes

Lovers Scrapbook Graphics - Image 3

Lovers Scrapbook Graphics

Lover’s Scrapbook is a bundle of 40+ high-resolution retro style cut-outs. Each file has realistic halftone and grain effects for

Abstract Art Cutouts Graphics - Image 5

Abstract Art Cutouts Graphics

This set contains over 100 black and white cut-out elements vector. 4 seamless patterns, 6 banners (8334 × 3855 px), and 38

Cutouts Art Graphics - Image 6

Cutouts Art Graphics

Cutouts art. This set contains over 100 black and white cut-out elements and 72 colored pieces. Each object was made

Scissors Wizard Paper Cutout Effect Graphics - Image 7

Scissors Wizard Paper Cutout Effect Graphics

For someone, who’s never been great with scissors, there’s a solid chance to celebrate the inner child by crafting absolutely

Newspaper Clippings Graphics - Image 8

Newspaper Clippings Graphics

This product gives you a quick & easy graphic resource that you can use to create cool typography artworks &

The Aesthetic Archive 2000s Graphics - Image 9

The Aesthetic Archive 2000s Graphics

The ultimate Aesthetic Archive for designers. Have you ever missed the 90s? The beautiful psychedelic clipart gradient designs from your

Word Clippings Graphics - Image 10

Word Clippings Graphics

This cool product made by the Indieground Team gives you a quick & easy graphic resource that you can use

Paper Shapes Graphics - Image 11

Paper Shapes Graphics

Cut-out Paper Shapes This pack includes 85 different paper cutouts, crafted with care by the Indieground Team. We found inspiration

Chroma Cutouts Blurred Masks Graphics - Image 12

Chroma Cutouts Blurred Masks Graphics

Chroma Cutouts Blurred Masks – combine images with abstract blurred shapes. For remarkable and modern designs for your project, like