All icons are designed to represent friendly experience to all of your projects. A perfect combination of Illustration + Icon Design✎
250 icons – suitable for use in website, mobile application, web application, Infographic or Presentation, including all design purpose like business card, poster, book illustration, resume, and more.
Published by Rafiico Creative Studio
Download 250 Business icons
Tags:achievementgrowing profit, acquisition, advancement, advertise, agreementpresentation, aim, announcer, appoval, arrowtarget group, association, bank, bar graph, bigger fish, board, boss, brain, broadcast, buildingstartup, bullhorn, bullseye, business, business and finance, business and financescalable, business and financialmultitasking, business cycle, business meeting, businessnetworking, businessnew idea, businesspartnership, businessperson, buyer, capitalistshop, cashcommercial, chart, chemistry, chess, Client Service, clock, Cogwheel, coinpromotion, commerce, connection, consumer, convenient store, cooperation, creativityorganization, currency, data analytic, deal, destination, diagramclient, director, display, documents, dollar, dollarmonetization, duty, easel, ecommerce, efficient, equallyglobal, evolution, expand, experiment, eye, fairness, figure, financing, flask, flowerpot, focus, food chain, fund rasing, gesture, graph, graphic, greedmoney bag, green lighthuman resources, group, hands and gestures, help linedata, hook, horse, idea, illumination, industrialistequity, info, information, informationceo, initiate, input, inspiration, integrity, investment, investor, knight, launchstrategy, Leader, ledger, lender, light bulb, link, loupemanagement, magnifying glass, mark, marketingresearch, megaphone, megaphonemillionaire mindset, method thinkingdiagram, minimart, money, monitordevelopment, monopoly, network, note, objective, obtain, office, optical, orbit, organizationcustomer service, palnningtarget, paper, Payment, paymentvideo conference, peopleprofits, personinvestment, planet, posessionbalance sheet, predator, produce, productivity, productivitymarketing, Profit, reapingbusiness plan, receive, recordblue ocean strategy, relationship, report, representationentrepreneur, resizeshareholder, rising, risingguarantee, rocket, satisfaction, scheme, scopetransaction, searching, shake hands, shopper, showcompetition, sight, solving, sponsorcoin, sprouting, square deal, statistic, statistics, Stats, strategybusiness report, streamingvision, stretch, structure, studysavings, summary, summit, supervisorchart, survivalconnection, Team, telecommunication, thinking, thumbs up, time, transactionlooking for idea, transportation, tripod, troubleshooting, universalgoal, view, visualization, work, worker, Worldwide, zoom
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